Interviews.. Interviews.. Interviews..


One of the main causes of my anxieties has been interviews as of lately. Interviews come with a lot of work and effort that needs to be put in to have a successful interview.. And sometimes we see that interviews don’t even necessarily play in the interviewees favor in the end.

I loved reading all of the articles about how to have a good interview because it really pushed me to reflect on my own experiences during interviews. I have only had a couple, and most of them were for things other than jobs, but they were all very different. There were some tips that I thought were common knowledge, like smiling and introducing oneself, but there were some that I hadn’t even thought about such as waiting to sit until invited and interviewing the self about the fit of the job. These tips are usable for any kind of interview. I enjoyed having my boyfriend ask me the interview questions as well. The questions he chose were ones I’ve been asked in my experience with interviews and I hadn’t realized how different I was answering them now, and how that was creating more anxiety for myself. I began writing the questions and coming up with a planned answer. For example, “What are your strengths?” For this question I wrote, “My strengths are my organizational skills, my communication skills, and my ability to make a person feel comfortable in any environment.” Knowing that I’m not putting myself on the spot when this question is asked next time decreases the anxiety.

I also really enjoyed the videos on informational interviews because this is something that I have learned recently utilize. The field of Student Affairs is something that, as a college student, I have easy connects to. I began using these networking resources to reach out to people in positions that I would possibly work in the future. I went on an informational interview to Alvernia University, where I spent the day with the Orientation Director of both New Student Transitioning, and Transfer Student Transitioning. I came out knowing more about the position, but also feeling a deeper passion for the position because I was beginning to know the ins and outs. I also had the opportunity to see how it was done at a different University compared to Kutztown University, and that is important to recognize in other fields as well between different companies and organizations!

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