Social Media… Again

Social-Media-Influence-On-BusinessSocial media is resource that can be used in so many different ways. From being able to look up potential employees, to finding potential employment! This time, I would like to discuss using social media to reach out to your potential employment and to find out more information on them, what they are like, who they have working for them, and how you would fit in!

I began by typing in Student Affairs in the search bar, and I was delighted to find there were tons of organizations that exsisted on different social medias. Most of the organizations that I found were graduate studies programs, and student affair departments at Universities, so I decided to follow a bunch. They didn’t really post job ads but they all gave great tips on applying to graduate schools, and being a student affairs professional.

One thing that I noticed right off of the bat is the consistency they have in posting. These organizational accounts were making sure to post at least three times a day with different information, but in an engaging way. They could include the idea of engagement through their status in words or through a picture, and both seemed to catch my eye.

I also noticed the content that they were posting, because I originally believed that they would be posting job postings. A lot to student affairs programs are usually looking for at least one position, and with my knowledge of how useful social media can be for an organization to fill those positions, I was slightly disappointed to see the lack there of. Especially with the generation that is now looking for jobs, social media is a main source of how we find out our information. Job postings on social media make the organization look technologically update, as well as appealing to my generation because we want to be at a company that utilizes our every day behaviors. It also shows an understanding form the company that they will be getting getting applications from my generation.

The tips were really great though, and it showed me a sense of community. Not only within the university or department, but within Student Affairs as a whole on every campus. The way these organizational accounts communicate with each other made me feel welcomed to think of this as a possible career path. It also made it seem more organized and in touch with the world now.

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