Oh… The Lessons I’ve Learned…


This class has a done a lot with helping me realize what I am “getting myself into” with my future career. There were things I knew and there were things that I didn’t know, but all were helpful. My knowledge of my future career helped me when doing research for the different assignments in the class, but in the end I learned a lot about how to get into my field and a lot of social media aspects.

I had already know how to do a resume and cover letter, but I was never introduced to the other parts of the business portfolio. I didn’t know the exact way to write these things and this class helped me with all of that. I also didn’t have as much knowledge about how much social media can really affect your career. Yes, I am always told to watch what I put on Facebook or social media because potential employers may be looking, but this course really laid out the importance of social media.

It was also explained why social media can be so crucial from the employer point of view rather than always thinking of it from he applicant’s point of view. I learned how to write on social media, and how to blog (which I consider apart of social media). I hadn’t realized how much fun blogging was, or even how useful it is to go back and reflect on what I just learned, and experience, or the knowledge I already have. Setting up my blogging page was just as much of a challenge and I was able to overcome that and figure that out as well.

Overall, this class has given me the confidence to put myself out there for a job, or to start my own business. I now understand how to write up a business plan, and how to go about treating and communicating with my employees. All of these things are important for life because communication is everyone and it is important to get on the same page with the new generation.

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